Saturday, July 25, 2009

עושה מעשה בראשית

What a truly blessed evening.  I came out of my room to mix up a salt water flush, and one of the flatmates bussled in and bussled out, mentioning something about a coming storm.  I stepped out onto the stoop and the energy was astounding.  I was so happy that there was a chair for me to sit in and watch the trees bending and swaying in the powerful wind, leaves blowing around the air felt charged.

Then the rain came pouring down.  Pouring, and I was thinking about how it was cleansing the earth, and the air.  In Hebrew, a ritual bath needs to be filled with "living waters".  That is, fresh rain water, or lake water or stream water that hasn't been pushed through a pump or pulled out with bucket.  It has to be connected to nature.  I wanted the living rain to pour over me, and it was coming down so hard that there was a veritable stream gushing down the side of the road.  I went and stood in it and just felt it pouring over and through me.

Afterwards, I came back into the kitchen and ate the two most thrilling peaches that I think I have ever tasted.  I was amazed at the juicy deliciousness of them.  They were, honestly, two of the tastiest things that I have ever had in my life.  

I think that I have been going through some emotional and physical detox over the past few days, and the colon cleansing is helping me move towards healthier choices.

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